Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
cArMaLeD aPpLeS!!

They are just the best...especially with nice, tasty white chocolate topped with graham cracker crumblings. If anyone wants to get me a present...make sure it's a carmaled apple! haha just kidding, but seriously....HAHA! I am sooooo loopy right now!!!!! No sleep = this for tina-either passing out in the middle of biology...or going crazy! Which reminds me...I dropped my peanut butter cup at lunch today :( But since Mandi eats anything and everything that falls on the floor...she traded me and ate the bacteria infested one haha...I am not myself at the moment but to rap this up... I LOVE CARMALED APPLES!!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
WOW Mandi is freaking awesome, I don't know why but Mandi is just like the coolest person I know she is so amazing. No one beats her, she is just so cool!!! She is funny and pretty and nice and loyal and cool and pretty much the shiz!!! Mandi rocks my socks!!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday...Wow

Holy cow, what people do for sales!!! So...For black friday everyone but my dad woke up at 3:30 to wait in line for best buy...there were tents there and it was freezing!! I will never do that again...but it was kinda fun...I got around 7:00 and slept until 4:00 haha Everything was pretty dang busy, I suggest to all those who dont know to just wait until you wake up...the sales are just as good then.
Monday, November 24, 2008

Last weekend I performed at the Jubilee of Trees with my dance company "Rise" (you probably havent heard of it because its new, and no one else has yet anyway). Everyone on that team is Emilee, Meg, Manda, Jessica, Courtney, Sandra, Mikelle, and Me! So it's way fun:) Anyway, it was kind of a disaster because we weren't used to the stage cuz we havent really practiced on it before so our whole formation was kinda screwed up, which screwed up the dance a bit but oh well cuz we had fun!! I thought we did good despite the whole stage thing. And then at the end of it, Mandi brought us pizza:0 Then we went to twilight (for my second time that weekend) I LOVE THAT MOVIE! Good stuff. So the jubille of trees is fun hehe...or should I say...ho ho ho
Saturday, November 22, 2008
hApPy HoLiDaYs!!!

Happy Holidays everybody!! Im so excited for thanksgiving next week! Especially Christmas...which is in like a month but oh well! I love everything about this time of year:) A lot of people though, dont...which is way sad to me. This time of year is supposed to be about Christ and giving and beng thankful...but that is a lot of the reason why people dont like it. It's expensive, a lot of work, and is just grey and cold. Well, for all those scrooges out there just remember that it's more! Thanksgiving is about being thankful for everything you have and when your out there shopping and spending money for others just think about how happy your making them...and make it fun! Love one another. Winter time is so pretty, not grey. I love it! I love everything about it. Be cheerful and happy holidays :0

Dancing is my everthing. Anytime I need to turn to something for being sad, feeling sick, depressed...dancing always comes to me. It's like a world away from my worlld. I feel distant but in the moment, dead but alive, sour but sweet...everything. I dance as much as I can , whenever I can. I'm a sucker for every type of dancing; modern, ballet, jazz, hip-hop, etc. NEVER underestimate the power of dancing.
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